วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2567

อิทธิบาท 4

 The four Iddhipādas are interconnected qualities vital to success in any endeavour, worldly or spiritual.

The first quality is chanda. This may be translated as zeal, enthusiasm, aspiration. Sometimes chanda arises naturally and when it does so, people often refer to it as ‘passion’. In its mature form it manifests as a love both for the goal and also the means to reach that goal. But passion can wax and wane over the course of time. For this reason it is important to constantly reflect in a way that can rouse up chanda when it is weak, and stabilise it when it is already present. The most effective reflections tend to be those directed at the value of the goal or the process, and the drawbacks of being without it.

The second quality is viriya (effort). When chanda is present, effort comes easily. There is a willingness to bear with difficulties, and push through discomfort. Effort is the engine of success.

The third quality is citta. Citta in this context means intent focus. When there is strong aspiration and consistent effort the mind becomes focused on the task. It does not become distracted or sidetracked. The pleasure that arises naturally from this single-minded focus enhances the chanda.

The fourth quality is vimansā (analytic review). It is essential to keep checking and reviewing our effort. Is it an appropriate level of intensity? Is it well directed? What strengths and weaknesses have become apparent? What needs to be changed or tweaked? What needs to be sustained and increased?

Ajahn Jayasāro




